Saturday, October 1, 2011

Into the 21st Century - Like it or not

Ok, I give up !  All my friends have techo-stuff.  You know, IPads and Blackberries and Plasma TV's and TIVO's.  I have never wanted any of those things.  I always thought I could get along fine with simple things.  A TV that VCR/DVD player....a mobile phone that doesn't do anything but make a phone call.   I have always been a non-techno girl in a techo world. 

Then came the new "Kindle Fire".  It is small, colorful, easy, $199.00, does simple stuff..and a few things that are, to my brain, a little more high-tech.  I tried to resist..I really did.   But in the end it was just too appealing !
I ordered one and now like the kid who sent in the box tops for the cool prize, I am waiting for the mailman for bring me my new toy in November.  I can hardly wait !